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Old 11-01-2014, 01:32 PM   #3 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Nov 2014
Location: Kansas
Posts: 22

Blue Tunic - '13 Honda CR-Z
90 day: 43.69 mpg (US)
Thanks: 2
Thanked 4 Times in 4 Posts
Welcome! Head on over to the garage and enter all your car specs and stuff into a Vehicle Profile. Google search all of its specs and put them into the form. People can help you more if we have this information.
Thanks for the welcome.

I would post a link to the car but the anti-spam filter won't let me until I have more posts. Still, it's one of the most recent cars on the garage list.

Edit: Oh hey, it's under my name. I didn't know that was automatic.

Looks like you are doing pretty decent so far. Few questions.

* Have you aired you tires up to 40PSI+?
* Have you read the Sticky that tells you several ways to improve your Eco Driving?
*Do you pulse and glide at all or do a lot of in-neutral coasting?
Tires are properly inflated. I have been working on my ecodriving skills for about 8 years now, most of my improvements have been in the last two years, and especially since I found last year. Most of my mpg boost I think has been from my driving habits changing. I've done a few experimental tanks of gas to try and get a feel for the difference in mileage for my average speeds.

However, I haven't done much pulse and glide for a couple of reasons. 1, the car loses speed very quickly when I let off the accelerator. So it's more like pulse and grind. I have experimented with a fixed throttle technique over my hilly highway commute, so I'll get up to 70 downhill and drop speed to 50 uphill, averaging around 60 mph for my 70 minute trip.

And as far as neutral coasting goes, it's a rear-wheel drive automatic transmission. I'm not super comfortable with my 34 year old transmission handling a lot of shifting in and out of neutral, plus running in neutral over 50 mph is (I am told) bad for the differential. Then again, the two places I would coast in neutral are the offramps off the highway, where my speed is usually under 50 mph anyway, so I could try that.

Get a picture up of the car and we can help with possible Aero mods.BUT! The biggest mod you can do is to your driving. It takes some practice but knowing your route is one of the best ways to achieve great MPG.

Post back when your done and we can all see what exactly you have to work with! :-)
Should be available on the garage page.

Last edited by gizzardgulpe; 11-01-2014 at 01:33 PM.. Reason: noticed garage link under username
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