Sounds like you aren't as new as your post count defers! haha.
OK sounds like you are doing pretty good so far. My suggestion would be to figure out why the car is losing speed so quickly when you are coasting. I assume it has rear drum brakes? Often times they get old and out of adjustment and will start to drag. Best option is to switch over to disc setup in the rear which might be possible from another car with the same compatibility..... orrr the easier route is to clean/adjust and change the rears if they are too worn.
As for the automatic and neutral rear diff coasting. This shouldn't really put any extra strain on the tranny/differential. As long as the motor is running it is pumping trans fluid around and slipping it out of gear makes it similar to a manual transmission. The rear differential is constantly lubed with the gear oil so no issue there as long as your not dropping it in and out at high speeds.
I have found that with my Grand Am I can coast nearly twice as far in neutral as with the car in Drive. This works great for coming up to stop signs, exit ramps and etc, I can let off the gas much much sooner and coast much longer to the stop.
Have you changed your Gear Oil in the rear differential? Go with a synthetic, do the same for the transmission too.
Also after looking at your fuel logs I am puzzled how all the gallons are an even round number. To have an exact accurate reading it needs to be from full to empty then gassed back up till the pump turns off. How are you doing the calculations?
Example: Full tank............450 miles later refuel till pump kicks off at say 14.43 gallons........ Then take the miles divided by the gallons for exact full tank measurement
Don't know how far you plan on going with the ole Cressida but many have had good results from LRR tires also.