Heya, just wanted to share what I've done to my car thus far. I bought it a few months ago as my first car(stick shift ofcourse) and just driving conservatively I've managed to get ~5.8L/100km 90% city. I didn't bother with mods because I rarely ever went on the highways as my job was in the city so mods wouldn't be worth the effort. However, a couple weeks ago I got word that I got the position at a job I had an interview for, a job 80km away. I decided that it was now or never to begin so I started with something easy, duct tape lower grille block

. A few days after that came the rear skirts(left one was the first one and it's a bit shabby compared to the right, probably should remake it but lazy) and the smooth wheel covers.
Today I removed the ducttape lower grille block and made a proper one, as well as an upper grille block ziptied to the backside of the upper grille. I didn't do ABA tests for all of them, only the skirts which showed a ~0.3L/100km improvement at 80 km/h. Today I finished my first tank with all the mods attached except upper grille block, 4.87L/100km(48.5mpg or so, 90% highway). Mind you that even though those are technically mostly highway kms about 1/3 of them are sitting in stop and go traffic.

I wonder what I could get out of it if it weren't for that. Maybe 4.6 or 4.5? Seems feasible. Not sure what else I can to improve the mileage, already running the tires at 44PSI when the sidewall claims 35 max

and I try to keep highway speeds under 110, usually aim for 105 if it's possible regarding traffic/etc.
Oh, and the material used is coroplast. I just went out and bought a big 4x8 sheet and I've still got a bunch left, enough for front skirts.