I was running to Home Depot last night for something for
http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...dam-30382.html when a woman tried changing into the portion of my lane I was busy occupying. She hit my car, pulled back, pulled over, and apologized. I got out, looked at my car, and marveled that aside from the actual mirror itself shattering, my car did not look any worse than before.
I wanted a free paint job!
She kept apologizing while I called Honda and asked how much for a new mirror. They would need to order one, but it would be something like $196.70--it was ten percent less on-line, and I was not even mentioning Majestic ($143.71 shipped). She asked if I knew how to replace it myself and then asked if she could just give me two hundred dollars. She actually gave me $250 and I bought a used mirror for thirty dollars. Car-part does not show any black bumpers in the state of Arizona. While I would actually like for my car to be white or silver, I do not plan on replacing one part at a time. They sold me a white fender for forty dollars. Do you think that it would be cheaper to paint a fender than straighten one?
Well, before Arragonis protests:
When I have permission and reason to post a picture of a beautiful woman I will.