I spent the day fabricating mounts for
- fuses at the rear of the car (L brackets on insulators),
- fuse in the rear of the car (inline fuse with fuse cover),
- the manual disconnect switch plate to the car,
- shunt (remounted on the shunts on insulators)
Put 24V of battery into trunk and test run controller
There is no control from inside car. RUN and START signals are jumper wires with alligator clips under the hood
- accelerator works
- I can shift gears works without the clutch - at least while up on jacks
- the rubbing on the motor slows down the motor between shifts, almost to a stop
Run a cable from the engine bay to inside the cabin for rj45, so the Interface Module will work where I can see it
Run 1 pair of wires to display the engine trouble light
Again no video and no pictures. And I didn't get pictures of the Oct 23 work as yet. Perhaps tomorrow?