A regular SD card does not fit into the SD slot in the Interface Module.
That's where you add memory so that the Interface Module can log exceptions, log motor voltage and current, battery voltage and current, log information should there be a failure to aid in troubleshooting ...
It is a Mini SD not a Micro SD. No longer sold by any vendor locally ... but I need one that is 2GB max, formatted FAT. Ebay will take a couple of weeks ...
And I need access to the transmission to top up the transmission oil, check the speedometer cable
To do that, I need to remove the controller, disconnect the motor cables, move the contactor mounts and the controller cable breakout out of the way.
Then remove the speedometer cable and examine to see if it is broken or simply not engaged
If broken, see if parts can be sourced. If disengaged, figure out how to engage.
If it was engaged, try running the car with the ignition on in case that is all that was required to display the speed?
Further to my quest of starting the controller from inside the cabin of the car (via the key switch on the steering column) - the starter cable (the cable that connects to the old ICE starter) is connected to the battery all of the time. That cable is not switched by the ignition
A relay connects the negative of the starter to ground on the battery. Mazda 626GD MX-6 1990-1992 Wiring Diagram.pdf, page 50-16, D-02 .. plus the the (!@#$!&^%) CLUTCH MUST BE PRESSED TO START THE CAR!!!
You'd think that the clutch would be sorta obvious, pressing it to start up the car would be something that you do without thinking about it - EVERY TIME you get in the car. Well, since I DON'T think about it, I didn't remember to do it when I was listening for the 'click' of the relay during a start from the ignition switch... sigh!
- having some trouble with my phone. I will get pictures posted as soon as I get it figured out -