OK - I got the order for the Micro SD card (1 GB) and Micro to Mini SD card adapter for $8.50 US from china done. I gave up trying to find a local source that would have it here faster. But it will be 3 weeks before it arrives ...
So I should concentrate on getting everything to support the controller in and working before the MicroSD card arrives. I'm waiting on the MicroSD, so it should not sit in it's package, waiting for me to get stuff done once it arrives. I should try out the data logging, updating the firmware on the controllers, etc the day it arrives.
First step, power up the car with 12V on the controller, a 12V starter battery for the car (since there is no DC/DC yet), and a couple 12V deep cycle batteries as a 24V High Voltage (or higher than 12V) pack.
Begin by turning on the controller from under the hood. I'm using 2 alligator clips
Now turn on the rest of the car - press clutch, turn key. I hear the click of a starting relay - good news!
Press the accelerator. The Motor turns as it should. Release the accelerator and let it coast down.
Put the transmission in 5th gear and repeat. The backlight is on for the dash. The speedometer still does not work. That's a bit disappointing - I was hoping that putting the starter battery into the car would enable the display of the speed. Kinda silly.
Back under the hood. Add the RJ45 female to female adapter to the RJ45 cable on the controller. The other end of the second RJ45 is run through the firewall and inside the car. Sit the Interface Module on the passenger's seat. It works! Try the accelerator again and watch the pack voltage change, the motor voltage change, and the currents.
Shut everything down. Remove the 24V pack from the trunk. I made a conscious decision NOT to check the controller with the 400V pack. The connections are awkward, the time is late, and I will likely make a mistake.