Originally Posted by Daox
Is this what you are trying to say, just put them on the wall in front of hte car, but very high up on it?
high up on the front wall, but then also spread them out a bit. i think it reduces your shadow when looking under the hood, and still puts light down the sides, and bounce it off the floor to do what little it can to help underneath.

i think this placement wouldnt do much more for you than upgrading to 200 watt equivalent cfls, which would be on my list if not satisfied with what the 4' lamps do up front.
as far as using what you have, vs buying t8's, i dont know what you have is rated for in terms of output and efficiency. as a counterpoint to brighter more effiecent lighting, you need 2x the lumens to appear 50% brighter, i think spreading out more weak lights can do just as well as having better units. so i guess, i'd look at the bulb ratings and take a stab at it, but i dont think you can really hurt yourself much either way you go.