Sven and BamZipPow,
Support did have something to do with it, but a forward projecting flat lip (splitter) on the bottom of an air dam was shown in Hucho’s book in one example as achieving a slight reduction in drag. I am assuming because it is helping to contain the increased pressure from flowing under the dam and instead directing it around the side.
This tube acts like a lip, only with a radius in the leading edge. This also mimics a design I have seen on some OEM air dams that have a radiused bulge near the bottom, as well as some OEM designs for a front splitter that lead with a radiused edge. It also gives the air going around the car and under the dam a small radius to follow, which I would think would be better than a square edge.
But at the end of the day I don’t have a wind tunnel so this is just guess and check based on what I have seen and read from those who do.