I obsess over strange things. I would always go for the specification information on things I was interested in. The more specs the better. I still remember the wingspan (to the inch) of my favorite plane from childhood, the speed of light at 186,000 miles per second ,the distance to the Andromeda Galaxy in light years , the exact speed of mach one -659 point 78 miles per hour etc, yet have a terrible time remembering simple things such as something my boss tells me. I will even repeat it back, walk away and forget it thirty seconds later. My mind is always racing thinking about complete nonsense.
I always look for the drag coefficient when reading about cars. I spend hours and hours in the aerodynamics section of this site.
I have had in the past several of the same magazine pictures Aerohead posts on this site.
Sometimes I will even sit out in the rain watching cars drive by so i can see what size wake they form with the mist kicked up behind them.
My dad has a similar trait. He has studied religion... religiously every day since the age of 18 or so, yet was surprised when i told him the Buddha died of food poising, because he is so focused on one thing and one thing only that he is interested in.