Originally Posted by darcane
Hold a driver training class. Most hypermiling techniques would be off the table, but things like using the brakes less, accelerating slower (every FedEx driver I've seen is either at WOT or stomping on the brakes), and keeping the speed down should be acceptable. Maybe run gauges (ultragauges are cheaper so ROI should be quicker) in their trucks for a week without anyone knowing why, hold a class and inform the drivers of the push to improve efficiency, and then reward the driver that has the highest percentage increase over their baseline.
If you reward the highest increase over the driver's individual baseline, you're basically penalising drivers who were doing the right thing all along. I say this because I used to hypermile a van I didn't own or pay the fuel on.
UG's are too easy to cheat. Just EOC and they take so long to reboot that they miss the 'pulse' entirely. Easy to get great numbers this way.
The reward system is a good idea overall, but I can't think of a way to police it that would be practical. Even if it tallied up fuel receipts, if the reward was too large they could just top up the tanks with their own cash or short fill.
There are GPS monitors available to track drivers but that opens up a whole stack of other issues.