Kat's vs Zero-Start/Temro Block Heaters
This is just a head's up for those of you who are considering a Kat's block heater, which is the brand that NAPA carries.
I bought the kit for my Civic two months ago, and it already burned out. I de-aerated/burped the cooling system and drove the car around before using it, and I never plug in while the engine is running (as advised by Kat's), so it definitely isn't an abuse issue. Even when I first installed it, the electrical connector never really fit properly into the heater. I had to cut/modify the plug for it to work, and I have been battling with a good connection ever since. Then the other day, it stopped working when the heater burned out. Keep in mind that I use only it for 2 hours before my morning commute - I do not leave it plugged in all the time.
Yesterday I picked up a Zero-Start/Temro block heater kit from a local parts store, and right off the bat I knew it would be better.
1. It looks to be properly machined, and for lack of a better word, prettier than the Kat's unit.
2. It includes a proper metal sealing washer, the same as the block drain plug that it replaces, unlike the silly plastic seal on the Kat's unit.
3. The electrical connector fits perfectly, and it works perfectly right off the bat.
4. The Zero-Start/Temro unit is 460W (measured with a Kill A Watt) vs the Kat's 400W.
Hopefully I can get my money back from NAPA.
Last edited by mechman600; 11-19-2014 at 05:59 PM..