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Old 11-20-2014, 08:39 PM   #18 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
I like it how people who claim they care about the environment are blocking the pipe line.
As if forcing oil companies to use less efficient more spill prone methods (by truck and rail) to move the oil is going to save the environment.
Just think of all the wonderful CO2 all those trucks will create.

Maybe they really don't care about the environment and think that forcing the oil companies to use more expensive transport is some how hurting them, like a poke to the eye with a stick.
If there is a huge train crash fire and oil spill the oil company only pays for it temporally. Eventually we foot the bill.
We know that all costs are passed on to the end consumer (the real trickle down economics).

Just more unintended consequences from the loony environmental nut jobs.
Why they just don't build some U cross-section spill containers and place the pipes in them.
Something like this

These are solar collectors just meant to depict the basic U shape so for oil spill containment
The carrying pipe would need to be larger in diameter.
The U-section can have a different shape other than parabolic.
The carrying pipe can be placed lower in the U section.
Some endplates should be placed every few hundreds of yards or miles to prevent the spill from pouring itself the entire pipeline length while being large enough to allow for a large spill.

Sure it adds costs and some complexity but nullifies most arguments against spills.

Originally Posted by rmay635703 View Post
Yeah pipes are far more safe and have fewer long term consequences than rail.

Especially considering in 10 years there will be no further use for the pipe
Why only good for 10 years?
Will shale oil run out so fast?
I'm confused.
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