Old Saab 900s had dual curvature windshields. Probably made by Pilkington.
Saab was and is mostly an aircraft company and thus is quite familiar with double curved canopies.
The old 900s has such a radical plan view curvature that the wipers didn't work worth a hoot. Not an issue on aircraft as the higher wind speed tends to clear windshields of rain and snow but at 50 MPH...not so much.
Such a windshield is not for the one-off types.
Aviation uses a plastic sandwich (acrylic over polycarbonate) for most low-volume aircraft. The acrylic (Plexiglass) is moderately abrasion resistant and polycarbonate (Lexan) is renowned for toughness. This 'sandwich" is much lighter than safety glass. These windshields survive 150 knot bird strikes all the time.
Safety glass is probably beyond the capabilities of most DIYers but plastic is a possibility. Make a wooden form, heat up the sandwich plastic and vacu-form it. Still not for the technically faint of heart.
2000 Ford F-350 SC 4x2 6 Speed Manual
4" Slam
3.08:1 gears and Gear Vendor Overdrive
Rubber Conveyor Belt Air Dam