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Old 11-23-2014, 06:00 PM   #58 (permalink)
Red Light Avoider
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
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My Civic - '00 Honda Civic DX
Team Honda
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Ok Sports Fans! Was listening to the Western Conference Final while I worked on the car this afternoon. Calgary's stomping Edmonton and it's the end of the first half.

I cleaned up the oil pan and painted the exposed metal with rust paint to protect it from the salty roads. I also took a pic of the newly installed ecomodder sticker! It's under a layer of ice. We've had freezing drizzle all day. The roads and sidewalks are just murder.

Data logging so far has been funny. The temp has gone down since I plugged in during the first fifteen minutes. It's not a cold soak start however. I might have to wait til next Saturday morning to do this test. That's about the only time I don't need the car first thing in the morning. I think that the temp sensor is located so far above the oil pan that the heat just isn't getting that far up.

This morning after being plugged in all night the engine was reading twenty F above ambient. Much lower than when my block heater is plugged in. When I started the engine however my ears could tell the engine was much happier than normal. It revved higher due to lower coolant temp but quieter. I think that's the result of nice warm flowing oil available to the engine.

I'm installing an on board timer to control the block and oil pan heaters. I'll set them for 2 hours before leave time unless my data logging suggests I should do otherwise. My on board charger and battery blanket I want powered at all times.
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Last edited by pletby; 11-23-2014 at 06:34 PM..
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