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Old 11-24-2014, 05:19 PM   #36 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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That's a good question.

Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
Couldn't you achieve the same thing by advancing ignition timing?
To a degree, with modern engines - yes.

Most timing curves are compromises to emissions. However, additional delays to ignition timing results in incomplete combustion and non-ideal pressure curves. Advancing to longer timing often moves you to more efficient pressure curves at the cost of higher NOx emissions, but soon thereafter you get knock or detonation.

There are other ways to cause more rapid combustion. Several people are experimenting with the ideas of greater turbulence, pressure and higher intake/fuel temperatures as well as the idea of seeding ( HHO, ozone, etc ). This is a complex discussion that has ongoing research in a myriad number of disciplines.