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Old 11-25-2014, 12:31 PM   #16 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Checking the carbs is a good idea. Because you are running at a pretty small throttle opening most of the time, carb sync is going to be important - so I would check it.

The SV's idle mixture screws are a !#$% to get to, but that's another thing that you want set properly to get good MPG. Having it set lean, and jetting lean in general, isn't necessarily better. I would think you would want to adjust the idle mixture to get the highest RPM idle in your case - then set the idle to about 1200 or maybe slightly less.

There were some article on Craig Vetter's website that mentioned testing that was done back in the 80s with leaner jetting, and that it didn't help MPG. It just made the engine run poorly so you opened the throttle more.
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