1. Register a trade name/DBA, like Fat Charlie's Aerodynamic Designs.
2. Have Fat Charlie's Aerodynamic Designs bill you for any mods. Be sure they charge for designing, installing and testing any mods. Parts need to be itemized- and marked up.
3. Write yourself a check for the total and make sure the invoice is marked as paid.
4. Make sure that Fat Charlie's Aerodynamic Designs bills you for any repairs, then pass the bill along to the insurer.
Of course in Florida, I think you're supposed to get out of your car snd start shooting. Or not. It seems to vary down there.
Originally Posted by sheepdog44
Transmission type Efficiency
Manual neutral engine off.100% @∞MPG <----- Fun Fact.
Manual 1:1 gear ratio .......98%
CVT belt ............................88%
Automatic .........................86%