Originally Posted by P-hack
Looking at one location doesn't really prove them wrong. And the UK is hardly running all electric now is it? Plus a lot of homes use non-electric to heat, so you need the infrastructure to run ALL the cars and heat/cool ALL the homes and businesses, and it needs to cover varying degrees of population density over large areas. Plus you need renewable for everything else, i.e. stuff from the store.
At one time the UK ran on steam power using coal for everything, the change to diesel required completely new infrastructure but was remarkably quick when it suddenly became both feasible and cost effective. We are not far from seeing the same happening with wind power. Electricity is one of the easiest power sources to transport and to install the necessary infrastructure, we already have a system in place, just need to increase the capacity and with the latest generation of wind turbines generating twice the power of two years ago we don't even need to double the current number to achieve 100% of current consumption on windy days and by then electricity from wind will be cheaper than that from coal.