Originally Posted by freebeard
It was more an observation than a complaint.
An observation about the quality of available care, and how it skews along the same curve as wealth. The one percent will eventually become a different sub-species, longer lived, more intelligent (one would hope) and with hot-swappable spare organs.
From your perspective you see the hand of the government. From mine it's the energy wasted by the layer of insurance between the provider and recipient.
A doctor used to be a guy that lived down the street, you knew him and he would make house visits and you could afford it.
Now he doesn't have the time to do proper diagnosis and is part of a network.
From effectiveness, yes we have hospitals that are respected around the world but we also have others that are terrible, statistics like infant mortality, disease rates and most any other metric shows we are worse than even places like Cuba.
The mortality rate from various procedures is all over the map depending on what hospital you walk into.
For example where my father went heart surgery had about a 20% mortality rate, literally down the street that hospital is around double that rate.
This is why if we want to have the "Healthcare System That Nixon Built" we need to perhaps have ratings and start rolling back some of the liability shelters and using other methods to motivate (sort of like japan where if you aren't cured you don't pay) Also hospitals that don't do many procedures of a certain type should not be doing those procedures at all, you need experience and have to make a method to deal with areas where there is none.
Right now our system pushes a large volume of unnecessary crap while we have large black holes in care in certain areas of the country.
Quite a worthless system compared to other parts of the world "where your healthcare experience is if anything more predictable"