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Old 07-20-2008, 03:00 AM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: New York
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Greetings from New York

Hey here i am real name is Rob I'm from New York.

I am lucky enough to have a short 15 min drive to work as i live in an area with crap for public transportation, would be a 30 min bike ride but i only feel up to that one or two times week if at all since my job is physically demanding.

I drive a rav 4 and toyota camry both 2007 automatics standard packages.

would love to use up less gas and to be honest its the money that motivates this (WARNING POLITICALLY INCORRECT STATEMENT FOLLOWS: ANWR needs to have a gigantic pump installed sorry Porcupine Elk take one for the team!)

Until big oil lets go and we get some decent alternatives the only choice is to use less gas and thats why i am here.

PS i actually love elk

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