results from kill switch
I'm using plastic wall switch kill switch on the shifter. My previous 2.7 mile route was 45 mpg cold and 62.7 warm. Now I got 63.3 cold and 81.8 warm with the kill switch.
The kill switch sometimes shows err instead of mpg. Changing compatibility > force mpg sensor to MAP didn't help. I will try adjusting compatibility > KWP/9141 optimize.
It would be neat to have a momentary switch that has an adjustable 2 second delay.
Using the kill switch throws off the run time, apparently because the ultragauge doesn't count engine off coasting time. Therefore distance / time results in the average mph being too high. The distance and mpg readings appear to be accurate.
Update: the ultragauge doesn't count distance when the switch is off. Therefore the mpg readings ( miles / gallons ) are too conservative when doing engine off coasting. This is a good reason to keep the switch off as briefly as possible.
Last edited by j12piprius; 01-05-2015 at 11:45 PM..