Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
Last time I saw one of those testers was in Marathon Fla in the keys working for Mercedes. We found that if you replaced the springs the pressures and spray patterns were as new. I think they can be shimmed but that memory is 32 years old. The higher the pressure the peak power will drop slightly but the better atomization will improve efficiency. Most of the bad smoking diesels only needed new springs to get the pressure in specs, the smoke was due to poor atomization. We used redline in the tester to get them clean.
Yes Sir - correct on the springs / shims. Below is a previous pic of these injectors disassembled. The items shown as #1 are those shims you've mentioned. In a new Nippendenso replacement injector (top one) they use a shim stack to get the desired thickness. The original painted injector on the bottom used just 1 shim and it was made to the exact desired thickness.

The new replacement injectors do not jive with the original drawing of the correct injector spray pattern. I thought maybe it was just a fluke - but going through two different places coming up with the correct replacement part number has yielded the same thing. Yes, I now have enough of these old pintle-style injectors to last a lifetime - maybe more! 
Last edited by changzuki; 08-03-2018 at 11:54 PM..