Had a blast going up a parking garage with the trailer. Don't think it would've been possible with a standard ball hitch trailer at all with the full parking as it was!
Got back home safe and sound. No big issues besides the upper gap cover wing flipping up on the way up to Iowa City. I did lose 60lbs of sand ballast and moved about 30lbs of gear into the truck bed before I started the trip home.
Got an indicated 26.5mpg at 65mph from Iowa City to Cameron. Lots of people were snapping piccies or running out into the street to take a peek at the rig.
Got an indicated 26.1mpg at 65mph from Cameron to Wichita. A few drivers had to chase me down to git more piccies. Some even waved back when I waved.
Got an indicated 28.4mpg at 65mph (peak of 30.3mpg before holiday traffic in Oklahoma City) from Wichita to Ardmore. A few good old boys were making comments about my rig (cab cover deployed to keep the dog cooled down) while I was parked at a restaurant and caught some of the comments on the way out. Some of them changed their minds a bit when I told them what gas mileage I just got from Wichita to Ardmore. A couple of ladies spotted the truck while I was refueling and turned around to snap some piccies.
Indicated 28.4mpg at 65mph before I hit holiday traffic in Dallas. Ending gas mileage from Ardmore to College Station was an indicated 25.8mpg at 65mph. Got chased by some fool who almost boxed me into a merging car right before I got home.
I think I will try to find another set of air shocks and put them on the rear of the truck to see it will help level out the truck some more. I know they don't make them specifically fer my T-100 so I'll have to butcher up a set to make it work...maybe a set fer the F-150 will work.
Road salt gave a pretty good pattern on the truck.
Thinking about having a QR code printed and stuck to the sides of the trailer so people who want to know will be directed to this thread. What do you think?