One of the things I have been wondering about is whether or not it makes that much of a difference if I shop at WalMart or some of the other 'big box' stores.
Both sell the same product, made in the same factory, employing the same workers, originating from the exact same location. ( ex - China )
By shopping at WalMart, what difference is made ?
I realize a portion of the sale goes to the owners of WalMart, versus the other guys, but what else ?
What alternatives are there ?
I bought some canvases online and looked for something made in the US. What i got were several poorly constructed canvases made in California. The fit and finish was so bad that I had to apply a 1/4 " thick texture and use them for abstract art.
Had i been able to see them in real life, versus online, I would have shopped elsewhere.
I know - make my own canvases, right ? It's on my to- do list.