Originally Posted by IamIan
I disagree .. as they say extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence ... and I have not yet seen sufficient extraordinary evidence that would justify that degree of extraordinary claim.
You know, that applies equally well to the extraordinary claim that the world can sustainably support vast numbers of humans. Where's the evidence?
What is your basis for this rather extreme type of catastrophic extraordinary conclusion/expectation ??
Accumulated CO2 from burning fossil fuels will cause the temperature to rise to a level which won't support mose life. Seef for instance the Permian-Triassic extinction event (
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permian...tinction_event ), for which the most plausible (IMHO, anyway) explanation involves the volcanically-induced burning of large coal deposits.
Originally Posted by niky
Larry Niven's "Time Traveller" series, as collected in the book: "Rainbow Mars" has a very cheery take on this. Basically the only species left on Earth (outside of zoos and arboreums) are people and food yeast.
A literary device, unfortunately. In the real world it'd be rats, maybe. Humans, no. But on the bright side, ocean vent communities probably won't even notice, and thermophile bacteria will have lots of new ecological niches to expand into :-)