Originally Posted by Fat Charlie
That's odd. I remember an awful lot about death panels, rationing, and long waits if everyone had the chance to get medical care. Or did you mean available to anyone who has been able to get the government to subsidize their use of it?
No, I mean available to anyone who is willing & able to pay for it.
Works that way in many, if not all, countries with socialized medicine. As for instance in Britian: you can* either get things 'free' through the NHS or whatever, and endure possible waits, rationing, poorer quality care, &c, or you can pay to go private.
*Or could, about 15 years ago. Don't really know what it's like today.
Originally Posted by freebeard
When I worked with the White Bird Free Clinic in the early 70s, their motto was "health care is a right not a privilege'.
Which merely demonstrates that they are socialists. As I said, economic philosophy :-)