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Old 12-06-2014, 03:45 PM   #98 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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There is a danger in trying to pick a ceiling number for human population. There is no easy or humane way determine or enforce a number. The Chinese one child policy broke down because it ignored the longer term feedback loops. Populations do not convert resources at a uniform or consistent rate. Culture and economics are dependent on climate and geography. Optimum fat consumption above the Arctic Circle is much different than at middle latitudes. Societies at the equator will consume more plants and spices that those in cooler climates. Fortunately farmers here are using less chemical intensive methods. A major cost is fuel for equipment so natural gas and biodiesel are getting more attention. The carbon dioxide fever has taken on a mind set akin the "The Emperor's New Clothes." Anyone not fully in tune with the ruling elite agenda is considered a witless fool or worse. That said heat pollution does need to be addressed in a thoughtful manner as part of a long term conserver economy. Improved distribution of food and water is a primary issue followed efficient housing and transportation. Each decision can be guided by value management and systems analysis methods rather than a "my rights trump your rights" mentality. A top down solution such as a monarchy or Socialism only works for children in a family unit with the parents as teachers and providers. A community of diverse adults requires lawful exchange of goods and services. A market economy does require long range planning including demographic and environmental trends. Most of us only think in annual or at best five year plans when we should be thinking of multi-generational plans.
If all this has your head spinning, try getting your house checked for improved insulation, add some house plants, look at your family budget, and try riding a bike for local trips.

Last edited by Grant-53; 12-06-2014 at 03:58 PM..
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