Given my history on this kind of thread I have refrained from commenting, and will do from this point forward except to state that this from page 1 of this thread :
Originally Posted by Nigel_S
as an example of "success" is, to quote Professor Brian Cox on Twitter - "total bollocks".
If you don't believe me, maybe you should watch a professor from Oxford University describe just how cr@p the UK energy policy, which favours renewables, actually is
For more info the actual real hour by hour UK grid status with history is here
U.K. National Grid status
Yes you can cherry pick times and periods when renewables go as high as 20+%, but in the cold snap of 2010/11 renewables produced something between feck and begorrah all when we really needed it - no wind, and solar covered in snow - and we burned coal, loads and loads of it, as well as gas which we imported from the middle east or Russia.
Like "Nuclear free" and "wants out of CO2 committments" Germany is doing - right now.