Will it improve fuel economy by changing the main jet ? honda nx650 dominator 88
I 've ruined my bike engine , a clove of distribution was shifted and an splattered two exhaust valves .
take and change the engine.
my bike is 88 and the motor 89 mounted .
it is said by the " xrfanatics " forum that the NX650 88 and 89 are the most powerful , then change and are less .
I've been researching and found some differences according to the year.
Year 88 89 have kickstart , the year 90 onwards have not.
years 88 89 90 91 motorcycles are equal changed hands and the color of the plastic and stickers. 92 changes from the plastic, larger tank , exhaust pipe and each year 92 93 94 changing colors .
year 88 89 carburetor is the same and ends at A, year 90 91 92 93 94 the carburetor is the same and ends B.
Year 90 using ethanol- gasoline blends , with a maximum of 10% is approved.
used here gasoline with 10 % ethanol .
The supplier references idle jet, needle and other parts are all equal in the years 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 , except the main jet , in the year 88 , 89, 90, it is 155 , in the year 91 92 93 94 is 148 .(the years were poorly)
In 1991, must meet the new standard antipollution EURO 1. Throughout the european union .
This explains the size of the smaller main jet .
I am comparing the NX650 models sold in Spain .
88 89 90 91 92 93 94 is the model made in Japan.
95 onwards is the model made in Italy.
Will it improve fuel economy by installing the main jet of 148 ?
more than six months ago, and rebuilt the carburetor, bringing the main jet 148 and 155 , install the 155 to be the same carburetor .
NX650 was replacement of 88 to 94 years
more than six months , change the jet needle , so that it falls more within two millimeters , so is the poorest part of media , the needle is not adjustable, but can return to the origuinal settings .
always talk about the NX650 japan , there is also the model NX650 EEUU, and not know the settings. want to think they are the same .
There is also the NX650 Italy 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 carries bigger carburetor jet idle , different needle and main jet 145
the bike works well for 0-1000 meters from sea level. where I use normally.
In mountains over 1000 meters from the sea the engine seems less potent and somewhat maladjusted and sometimes appear jerks. It may be that the carburetion is too rich .
is difficult to exceed 1700 meters (1056 miles) from the sea.
Last edited by herberpower; 12-10-2014 at 10:33 PM..