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Old 12-08-2014, 07:06 PM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by 320touring View Post
Rob's best seems to have been 64.36 (IMP)mpg, so that is something to aim for.
As I mentioned earlier, I'll be paying attention to your work.

I have an 03 VW TDI that I'm working on to be road ready in the spring. My goal is 65 MPG (imp)...hopefully without too much effort. I will lean out the IQ as much as I can, and play with the injection timing a bit. My plan is to also to swap in a taller 5th gear set and do some hypermiling work to see if 70-mpg (imp) is possible. Time will tell.

My curiosity is with the UK/euro model cars that weren't and still aren't available here in Canada. I see on the UK VW site, the new Polo with the BlueMotion 1.4 TDI is listed @ 91.1 MPG. Nothing even close to that here as far as I know. I have friends with brand new TDI's, and they're only getting 60 MPG (imp).

Anyway, like I said, I'll be following along with interest.


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