Originally Posted by P-hack
Unfortunately that 300v peak purple line 2 line is still ~213vrms (i.e. 208v industrial motor at rated voltage).

We are talking about three phase machines and 3 phase waveforms
You're calculations, are showing the right results, you're just not adding all the information together.
3 phase equipment is rated in V(RMS) line to line.
A 3 Phase 208V motor has a Line to neutral voltage of 208/sqroot(3) = 120V.
With that in mind, your single phase 213V RMS has a line to line voltage of 230*sqroot(3) = 370V(RMS) when used as part of a 3 phase waveform
DC_LINK voltage for 213V RMS = Peak Sine amplitude is 213*sqroot(2) = 301V, assuming perfect IGBT's and no over modulation.
The concept may not be that simple to digest, and my theory could be initially wrong, but unless matlab is providing the wrong results the proof is there.
Give it a try, simulating a similar system, rectifiers work differently.