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Old 12-09-2014, 08:47 AM   #17 (permalink)
NickelB NL
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Sneek
Posts: 156

Focus - '05 Ford Focus tdci Futura
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Time for an update. I.m still playing with the intake temps. Because the ambient temps are going down so does the intake temp. Where it was between 30/40 it is now low 20's. So i started playing. And took off a piece of the filter housing. And with my good friend ducktape i atached a pvc pipe where i cut a hole in at the side. I angled it to the back of the engine where the exaust is. No luck temps go up very slowly and didnt exeed 25°c. So i took some bends to move the air pickup down. No luck with that. So now i angeld the bends towards the block above the exaust. As seen on the pics. I hope this works to get the temps up. Or i will have to start working out my heated air intake.
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ID:	16583   Click image for larger version

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ID:	16584  

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