Well today I got very good results with acetone. 38 mpg at 90% highway. Same trip Ive been doing for years, with consistent 31-32 mpg results. Id already been doing the easy stuff, slowing down, keeping it it OD whenever possible, even the ecomods didnt do a whole lot for my highway mpg. (Helped a lot going back and forth to work.) Ive never gotten even close to this mpg before.
I about crapped my pants when I figured the mileage, so I double checked some things. I used the same station and pump that Ive used many times before. I pumped at .1 gal / sec. I clicked it off twice then called it good. Just like any other time. My odometer was correct because after so many years of this same trip I know how far it is between certain points. Typically at 32 highway mpg my needle crosses F at 46 miles. This time it went much farther. Had I not completely filled up this time Id think my needle would come down much faster, but I got home after 60 miles and it was still above F. Also if the pump spot is really sloped, it will affect me by 1 mpg either way depending on slope, but there was no real slope at this one or last one. I topped off with the same 3 oz to 10 gal. I printed a chart in the car. Also I use a long funnel and turkey baster and keep it all in the trunk. The next fillup will tell the full story but it looks really good so far.
I consistently got about a 3 mpg gain with an old Lumina van a few years ago. I tried it once in the Celeb and it didnt make a difference, however I may not have been doing it correctly. Last week I figured what the heck, lets try it again but the right way. With the van I pretty much figured out that to make it work, you need to take an educated guess as to how many gallons you will put in, put in the appropriate amount of acetone, then fill the tank so it mixes well. Otherwise it appears to just evaporate off the top since it does nothing for mpg if you put it in after the gas. At least for me anyway.

Winter daily driver, parked most days right now

Summer daily driver