Here's a pic of what I am working on.
This is just the one end cap. It ended up being three pieces.
Two end caps and the center visor part. Going to get welded together when it's done. The two ends are done and the center is done just have to put it together and make a couple of supports for the center.
It basically snaps into and around the rear window molding. I made it out of steel because that's what I had and know how to work with.
It is 15 degrees from the flat of the roof. and is 7" in depth and 2" from the rear lip to the rear window.
I also have in the plans a trunk lip extension.
I would have finished it if it hadn't been for that damn weed wacker I had to fix. Got it going too.
Honda...the economical, renewable resource.
Last edited by justpassntime; 07-21-2008 at 05:34 AM..