OH yes..., this I have done many times, drive my car/van or truck with engine in neutral and coasted many miles this way!
PROBLEM IS that driver HAS to be VERY quick at the controls and a connossieur of traffic!
Connossieur of your OWN vehicle and what it can do in PANIC stops and turns.
1. Problem with the alternator is that @ 800rpm's it is usually NOT enough to actuate the diode to engage charging
2. Problem with car OFF is that air in brake system is lost usually after 3-4 brake applications(as stated previously by other poster(s)).
3. Problem is being IN control and being able to re-initiate engine PREVIOUS to need, takes practice in open spaces without
any other vehicles around.
Driving downhill is good in gear if accelerator is not engaged, VERY little fuel is used/if any, specially in your diesel.
herbepower, INSTALL a cutoff or kill switch on the gear shifter. MUCH easier and simple, instructions and members D.I.Y's(doing it yourself) have PICS. here. Good luck!