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Old 12-12-2014, 08:41 PM   #1 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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Could a manual trans keep a ADD person more focused ?

I have extreme anxiety when it comes to driving.
( Actually, anxiety in everything really )
I find that my mind is always racing a million miles an hour, worried about everything.
I tend to look at each and every car as it passes me in the opposite lane ( the cars coming at me ) and i make a mental note of what type of car it is, or some sort of useless info.
I used to have my SuperMID hooked up and found that i dwelt on that constantly, versus the usual nonsense.

When on the open highway, i know that you do not shift gears or press in the clutch and such, but when driving in town, do you guys think that a standard transmission would help or hinder my anxiety ?

I tried a stick early on and rolled into the person behind me, so I have an aversion already.
I really hate my automatic though, and envy not being able to P&G and such.

I plan to try ADD medication, since it may be better for anxiety than the Zoloft i was on before. I quit it since it didn't help my anxiety, only the depression. I hear that ADD meds are highly addictive though.

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