Originally Posted by P-hack
Well, I did what I could, Another homebrew AC-controller - Page 46 - DIY Electric Car Forums
I don't know mac or windows, but was able to fudge a few things to get it working on ubuntu. The thing to remember is that it is usually looking for something, and different things have different ways to be told where that something is. Plus version headaches (so I attached libcm3 to that post as you requested, I still don't know how to make it a system level library, nor do I want to, having most everything stm32 in one directory tree makes more sense to me). But I had to modify the make file with things like -I/var/arm-eabi/proj/libopencm3-examples/libopencm3/include/
My microcontroller background so far is arduino -> reversed engineered to commandline avrgcc (low level cross platform experience) -> avrstudio -> stm32 in codeblocks ide. I might have flashed a PIC once...
If you guys have specific linux questions there, I'll do what I can. Getting it running can be daunting, and heubner does't want to tie it down to any specific tools. In fact I pointed him towards https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded and now he recommends it. though he started with https://github.com/esden/summon-arm-toolchain
The world is small

I sent you a few PM's last month about that.
I haven't managed to get it working, been busy with my own inverter anyway.