Originally Posted by nemo
Do you have any idea how many hours are on that pump or how old it is?
This D850 is a "crate engine" purchased in 1982 and total hours on it are less than 150. When dissecting the original injectors and then the pump, there were internal traces of rust pitting here and there (water!) Problems in the pump resulting from that would make sense but the flaking metal from other area where I can't see anything just didn't add up.
Thinking back along the way, all of the little signals of a failing pump were there but because they were intermittent they were ignored.
An internet search of any other Kubotas having this issue turned up zero, so, this is likely a one-shot deal... I hope!
--That house in the pic above is (was) only about a mile from my place. We get these amazing little "microbursts" from time to time in the summer.