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Old 07-21-2008, 12:11 PM   #16 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
mush3gan's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: LA
Posts: 32
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General info

Car mfgr: Toyota
Car model/body style: Corolla S (compact sedan)
Year: 2005
Engine size (displacement/cyl): 1.8L
Transmission type (auto/manual): auto

MPG info (averages only)

MPG before hypermiling: 25
MPG currently achieved: 34


Location of primary driving (country/state): San Diego, California
Miles driven per year: 7,000
List all tools/techniques used to achieve current MPG: driving SLOWER, light on the pedal to maintain low RPMs, non-aggressive acceleration, timing green lights, coasting to stops (engine ON) instead of accelerating towards them, pulse & glide on the freeway (engine ON), pushing my car out of the driveway instead of starting the car first, not using the A/C, maintaining constant throttle (instead of constant speed), when on freeway--"driving without brakes"

all mods to my technique...none to my car
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