any one here think that perhaps the acetone acts as a fuel injector/carb cleaner and not a fuel booster? Or maybe it helps take the water out of the fuel like heat? Both of these would help with consistant mpg's, especially if you drop it in a car with dirty injectors or watery fuel...just my thought, i'm sceptical though lol. Also I think the comment about 1/3785th of a gallon of acetone doing anything is kindo f funny because adding anything will change the chemical make up of the solution. For instance, would you drink a gallon of water with 1/3785th gallons of arsenic added(or my spit for that matter)? lol probably not because it is still there and will probably do something different than if it wasn't there. But really i think it is an interesting topic i just get sad when people get so angry and closed minded. Keep it civil and lets see what we figure out as a group