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Old 07-21-2008, 01:59 PM   #36 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tasdrouille View Post
In Quebec we have what we call the "no fault", literally. So if you get hit you can't sue no matter what. It has its advantages, as you can't loose everything because of a simple honest accident, or some dumbtard that did something illegal. On the other hand the government will provide for your well being if you got hit, but it's marginal and you're almost sure to be worst off financially than if you would have avoided the accident.

But this applies to what happen on the road only.

If a thief breaks into your house and fall, breaking his ankle, he can sue you.
Regarding the thief in the house, breaking his ankle ... "dead men tell no tales"!
"No fault" was brought up in our glorious stare legislature (NC) once...but with all the lawyers present ( the reps), guess what bill got nowhere??? Shazam!
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