Rear shocks are done but it wasn't easy. Took about 4-5 hours. Would have been a lot less if there had not been a horrific noise on the test drive, from the left rear. I thought one of the top mounts was not tightened and checked that but that wasn't it. I ended up having to grind some of the flange where the metal brake line connects to the flexible line on the replacement strut. It was hitting the mount for the other end of the same flexible line. The spring clip that holds the line into the body flange was not all the way in and that was making it worse. A little grinder and hammer the clip in all the way and everything is fine, except my old back

Rides better, the old struts were Nissan but I think they had been replaced from dates on the struts 2005 and 2006. there was also a dent on the inside of the right rear wheel. I knew about that when they installed the tires and had them put it on the back. I let the air out and hammered the rim back in place.
Brake drums popped right off without any tools, shoes are probably 75% and the bearings are like new.
The harbor freight cheap spring compressor was marked down to $14.95, so my total cost was $65 for the struts, shipping and the tool. The aceteminaphene is starting to kick in now, maybe I'll take a nap.
It rides better, guess the extra work was the reason the struts were so cheap. It's done now.