Thread: Valet parking?
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Old 12-21-2014, 11:15 PM   #33 (permalink)
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Only valet parking here I have experienced is hospitals and casinos.

One I remember is standing at the door of the casino and watching a very old man (80-90 plus) using a walker to get to his car about 125 yards in the parking lot. I guess he considered the slot machines to be a better investment.

As far as people mistaking me for an employee or otherwise in retail establishments. It rarely ever happens. Being not much of a shopper, my typical visit to a retail establishment is for a specific purpose, typically done as quickly as possible.

The exception would be the antique mall, where the wife and I go to walk when it's raining or just too cold. I think the last thng I bought there wasadremel tool that was so old the bodyof the tool was bakelite, probably nothing bought in the last 10 visits.

I do like standing liberty quarters and occasionally pick one up if the price is decent.

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