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Old 12-24-2014, 12:12 PM   #32 (permalink)
Experienced UAW Mechanic
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I hope you take this as helpful rather than contentious, but calculations mean nothing. The AOD is notorious for incomplete lockup, especially in third. The reason diff covers never came with drain plugs is so you'd have to pop the cover and visually inspect everything, which is a fine way to confirm the tooth counts stamped into the perimeter of the ring gear. Many people never change the diff lube, yet get away with it for decades and several hundred thousand miles. But the cover gasket is $3, and 2 quarts of synthetic 75W90 are $8, so there's really no excuse for not knowing what's in there. And even if there is a magnet in there, it likely needs cleaned off. Plus your Traction-Lock diff probably needs rebuilt, so this makes it easy to confirm. Ford offers new clutches for it at maybe $35-ish.
Or get the complete rear assembly from a '94-'98 'stang GT auto with the 2.73:1 already loaded and set up correctly for no whine, then do the above to that before swapping it in. That's under $ 200 all total. The glitch is that the 'stangs that came with 2.73:1 used a different output shaft in their AODs, with more teeth, than 'stangs with 3.27:1, so you'll need a little correction box, those are $62 from PATC.
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