Hi Folks,
It never occurred to me (until now) to ask you guys about heat pumps at home.
For the past few years, people have been installing these things like mad around here...the mini-ductless mount on the wall style. I am openly skeptical of these devices, mainly because ROI numbers and actual dollar savings numbers are hard to come by if not completely missing all together.
The people selling them are advertising tremendous savings in home heating costs. The people buying them are also telling me of the huge (potential) savings, but I have yet to have anybody tell me of actual dollars saved by installing one.
I've Googled the topic many times, and have asked countless people for feedback after they have installed them, but I haven't been able to find any hard data. There's always lots of anecdotal data...."Oh I love my heat pump"...and how wonderfully they heat, but it doesn't seem to me like anybody is actually tracking any costs.
My skeptical nature makes me assume a few different things:
1. There are no cost savings and therefore no ROI, and people that buy them simply don't admit it...or..
2. The savings are so little that the ROI is so long that people won't admit it...or...
3. There are savings to be had, but people either don't know or are too lazy to track actual costs so that can measure the savings..
Has anybody on here retrofitted one of these devices into their home? Anybody care to share their experiences? Or, can anybody point me to a website or article with a study of some kind, or hard data on savings?
Any thoughts or ideas on the topic would be appreciated
