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Old 07-21-2008, 08:12 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 124

6th Gen Coupe - '02 Honda Accord EX 4 cyl
90 day: 28.01 mpg (US)

Zombie Accord - '98 Honda Accord EX
90 day: 24.71 mpg (US)

Ol' Red - '96 Ford F-150 XL
90 day: 14.43 mpg (US)
Thanks: 0
Thanked 10 Times in 6 Posts
Ugh! The DOT is killing my gas mileage!!

The DOT has just finished building a new road into the main town where I live. The old road was a highly congested two laner which straddles a river and a mountainside. This road was fine with me because I could go at a leisurely 45 mph without disturbing traffic flow.

The new road is 55 mph, much wider, and slightly shorter. This would not bother me, but the biggest problem I have with it is the new layout. To get on the new highway, I will have to stop and make a left turn at a stoplight. This stop light is at the base of a giant hill. I used to be able to EOC down this hill (it was the longest EOC on my trip). Now I will be forced to come to an abrupt stop, losing about 60 mph worth of momentum. On the return trip, I will have to stop at the traffic light and make a right turn. Then I have to start up the hill from a dead stop.

This sucks. Haven't these people heard of on/off ramps???

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