Originally Posted by vskid3
I understand muiti-use areas, but I think the bed is one thing that will have to be single use for us. My wife's back is much happier on our Tempurpedic mattress and I don't think the warranty would be valid if I cut it into couch cushions. 
Multi-Use doesn't have to be a folding couch style.
Why not do the large drawer style system for a multi-use bed ??
The whole mattress ( any kind of mattress you want ) ... just slides out of the way when not in use ... I've seen some people even design it so it can slide out partially into a type of sitting area on the smaller part of the exposed bed... so during those other ~16 Hours when you aren't sleeping you don't need it eating up as much living space.
One such Tiny house example of this kind of bed can be seen here:
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Of course a loft is also a valid option for those who like sleeping in lofts.