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Old 01-01-2015, 02:12 PM   #14 (permalink)
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At $1 less a gallon that puts about $300 billion a year in the pockets of US citizens. Those who waste that windfall will at least stimulate the economy.

Those who understand the true meaning of conservation of every resource will do wiser things with that $1000 per person.

I think this forum had some small part in the process. I still see only a small percentage of high fuel mileage cars for sale. The vast majority is still, at least here, gas hogs.

I'm sure there are a lot of people who come to this site, read about the techniques, and incorporate them into their daily driving. Once they see the benefit, they will continue.
I have never read about a member reverting back to the old habits. I doubt I could even drive as inefficiently as I did in the days I wasted 100 gallons a week, for no real useful purpose, when gas was 32 cents a gallon.

In the last weeks my fuel consumption has dropped, not so much due to better mileage, more due to just not going somewhere without a real purpose. My december consumption was about 5-6 gallons a week.

29 gallons in december.

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