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Old 01-02-2015, 05:42 PM   #1507 (permalink)
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A couple of thoughts on cooling -

While oil has the definite advantage of not shorting components, it does have the price of not working as well. Unfortunately the best coolant from a conductivity/thermal mass/ effectiveness perspective is plain water. I say unfortunately because that conductivity puts electronics at risk and corrosion is an additional problem. I'm going to use some water/antifreeze mix until I get a good handle on the controller's cooling requirements.

Yes, the oil will allow higher temperatures, but the problem is that the device being cooled has to be hotter than the cooling liquid. From the specs I've seen, all electronic components are happier at cooler temperatures. In fact, there seems to be no practicle limit to this, leading to fun stuff like superconductivity.. Putting them in series with the motor/gearbox will force higher coolant loop temperatures.

In my car, it will be relatively easy to have multiple small radiators to get rid of the heat, so having an oil cooling loop and a water cooling loop will be nbd. The main cost in $$ or weight will be an extra circulation pump.

- E*clipse

Originally Posted by freebeard View Post
In my (and e*clipses) case it would be oil from the Toyota/Lexus motor-generator.

EVTV has the E.V.I.C. for $620. What other options would be recommended for gauges? JDL 440/550?

And for the initial setup? RS-232 and Windows?
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